Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training – English spoken

If you had to choose between just learning theory or learning theory with practical application, what would you choose? Our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course focuses on the impact you can make as a professional in this field. It’s designed to give you all the knowledge and skills you need to start working on your improvement projects right away.

During the course, we dive deep into the practical application of Lean Six Sigma at the Green Belt level. You can explore the theoretical knowledge as much as you want with unlimited access to our E-Learning for a year.

If you want to not only earn the title of “Lean Six Sigma Green Belt” but also work as a project leader on improvement projects in your workplace, then sign up for our practical course!

Focus on applying the knowledge

Our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program combines theory and practice perfectly. We won’t lock you up in a classroom for days going through all the theory. Instead, we provide you with all the tools to learn the theory on your own so that you can make the most of the knowledge and experience of our trainers during the training days. You’ll work with them to deepen your practical skills. This way, you can be sure that you can start working as a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt right after the program. And if there’s any uncertainty after the training, you can simply log into the E-Learning platform, which you can use unlimitedly for a year.

During the training days, you’ll work on your practical assignment, which involves directly improving your organization or work environment. With the guidance of the trainer, you’ll gradually put the theory into practice. This increases the learning outcomes of the Lean Green Belt program, and you’ll immediately earn back the investment in your education. It’s a classic win-win situation.

You can complete the full program, including practical certification, within 4-5 months, but you can also finish it faster.

What will you learn during the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training?

You will learn how to guide improvement projects as a project leader using the Lean Six Sigma philosophy. This means we will provide you with knowledge on:

  • Project-based improvement using the DMAIC structure
  • Understanding Lean and Six Sigma principles and tools
  • Analyzing problems quantitatively and qualitatively
  • Initiating and implementing improvements
  • Embedding results in the organization
  • Effective process thinking, customer focus, and outside-in approach
  • Recognizing waste and causes of variation
  • Working with statistical analysis using SigmaXL
  • Building and leading project teams
  • Facilitating workshops
  • Applying change management skills

During the practical lesson days, we will teach you how to apply this knowledge in real-life situations. You will learn from our trainers who put this into practice daily with our clients, but you will also learn a lot from other participants. This way, you can make optimal use of all the knowledge, experience, and insights you receive during this training.

We’ve divided the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program into 3 categories to explain it to you as clearly as possible. If you have any specific questions about the content, please contact us at 020-3453015.

The theory of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

After your registration, we will provide you with login details for the E-Learning environment. Here, you can learn all the theory at your own pace, as many times as you want! Before each lesson day, your trainer(s) will inform you which theory you should have covered. This is crucial to maximize your learning during the practical lesson days that follow. The access to the E-Learning is valid for one year, so you can always refer back to it whenever you need to.

In-class days

During the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program, you will attend 6 practical lesson days. These days start at 9:00 am and end around 5:00 pm. The practical lesson days are focused on applying the theory you have learned. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, but then we will quickly move on to show you how to use this knowledge to make a real impact. We provide trainers who have practical experience applying the theory in different sectors and for different companies. They are experts at making the theory applicable to your specific situation.

On the last lesson day, you will take the theory exam. After successfully passing the exam, you will receive the theory certificate as proof of your knowledge.

Practical Assignment

During the course, you will develop a plan for an improvement project within your organization. After completing the course, you will implement this project, which will be evaluated by your coach. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide you with a practical certification, which demonstrates your ability to apply the theory in practice.

Contents of this training

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training consists of multiple modules, which you can explore in-depth at your own pace. The lesson days are tailored to the needs of the group, so you can decide how intensively certain topics will be covered. The following topics will be covered in theory and, where necessary, during the lesson days:

  • Lean & Six Sigma principles
  • Define: Voice Of Customer, Project Scoping, Brown Paper workshops, Project Charter
  • Measure: Data collection plan, Measurement System Analysis, Basic Statistics
  • Measure: Capability Analysis, Control Charts
  • Analyze: Facilitation Skills, Cause & Effect Diagram, Hypothesis Testing, Value Stream Mapping
  • Improve: Brainstorming, ‘Flow’, Poka Yoke, Solution Selection, Pilot & Implementation
  • Control: ‘Dealing with Resistance’, Process Control Plan
  • Control: SPC, OCAP, Visual Management DMAIC Case, Teach Back & Exam

To participate in the training and execute the project, it is necessary to have a laptop with Microsoft Office Excel and a license for SigmaXL (included).

Upon completion of this Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training, you will receive the UPD Certificate. UPD has become an authority in the field of continuous improvement and innovation in recent years. We are active on a daily basis at a large part of the top 250 companies in the Netherlands.

Our name is recognized and acknowledged as a market leader in Lean and Lean Six Sigma training. The certificate we issue for this training proves that you meet the quality requirements that organizations set for Lean professionals. In short, a UPD Certificate adds extra value to your Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification and is the ideal starting point for your career as a Lean Six Sigma Professional.

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification consists of 2 parts; a theory certificate and a practical certificate. The theory certification is included in the training. The practical certification is the real crown jewel of the training. While the theory certificate proves that you have absorbed the knowledge and can repeat it, the practical certification proves that you can actually apply what you have learned in practice. This provides proof that you understand the knowledge and possess the change management skills to actually achieve results on the work floor. The practical certification is included in the cost of the training.


Experience shows that the success of the practical certification is increased when coaching is used during the execution of the practical assignment. During coaching, the coach helps to shape, execute, and complete the practical assignments according to the applicable guidelines. This increases the success of the certification, and generally improves the results of the improvement initiative.

Coaching is available in packages of 4 hours. The cost for 4 hours of coaching is € 800, excluding VAT. Generally, we recommend 8 hours of coaching per improvement initiative.

The investment in the 6 day Green Belt training is € 4.095,-. This investment includes:

  • 1 year unlimited E-Learning access
  • A lifetime license for SigmaXL
  • Theoretical and practical certification

Customer reviews about this Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training:

  • Ajinkya 02-09-2024 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    I liked the clear explanation by the instructor, the e-learnings and interactive aspects of the training.
  • Anoniem 12-08-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    De training was goed gericht op waar de groep behoefte aan had. Indien nodig, legde de trainer het voor de derde keer uit.
  • Anoniem 12-08-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    heel hulpzaam met handreiking van tools die praktisch in te zetten zijn
  • Anoniem 12-08-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Interessante stof die op een prettige manier wordt behandeld (combinatie van e-learning en klassikaal).
  • Daniel 13-05-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Very good content driven training
  • Anoniem 13-05-2024 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    The course has completely met my expectations. The documentation support has been sufficient as well as very detailed. However, the best part of the course has been the instructor, the explanations provided as well as the examples and the way she has made us participants, has enabled us to understand and learn all the concepts of Lean Six Sigma. It is also worth mentioning that she has always been open to answering questions outside of course days.
  • Anoniem 10-06-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
  • John 10-06-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    fijne sfeer en goede facaliteiten
  • Gioia 08-04-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Leuk gedaan, interessante stof
  • Vladimir 08-04-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Erg goed
  • Anoniem 08-04-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Prettige manier van trainen, niet alleen maar theorie, maar ook opdrachten en casussen. Soms werd er iets te snel door de lesstof heen gevlogen (op trainingsdagen). E-learning nog als back-up die op eigen tempo gedaan kan worden.
  • Denise 08-04-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Heel interessant en leerzaam
  • Anoniem 08-04-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    zeer leuke en leerzame opleiding
  • Bart 14-03-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Vond de overzichtelijkheid van de site en met name het exel geddelte onoverzichtelijk. inhoudelijk prima
  • Jan 14-03-2024 - Beoordeling: 7/10
  • Arend 14-03-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Fijne trainer en lesmateriaal goed op niveau.
  • Anoniem 08-02-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Vriendelijke en intelligente trainster. Kleine groep, waardoor contact persoonlijker is en fijne leslocatie
  • Mark 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede training met perfecte mix van theorie en praktijk oefeningen
  • Martin 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Ik zou de e-learn ook graag in papieren vorm hebben.
  • Anoniem 15-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    Duidelijk materiaal, goede trainers en dynamische training
  • Anoniem 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede tekst om te lezen, kort en krachtig samengevat en fijn dat er vragen tussen door kwamen, Trainingen waren interactief.
  • Reinard 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    leuke opleiding, vooral goed dat je met een eigen project aan de slag moet om de theorie in de praktijk toe te passen.
  • Anoniem 15-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Fijne structuur in het programma, logische opbouw. Ook prettig dat de docenten transparant zijn in wat we wanneer gaan behandelen tijdens de lesdagen en wat we tussendoor moeten voorbereiden. De docenten hebben veel kennis van zaken en weten op een goede manier complexe zaken uit te leggen en de combinatie van theorie (luisteren) en praktijk (oefenopdrachtjes) zorgt ervoor dat de cursisten betrokken blijven gedurende de dag.
  • Anoniem 15-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede training die praktijk en theorie prettig combineert. Veel diepgang op statistische analyse en DMAIC aanpak.
  • Elbert 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    wel veel theorie
  • Anoniem 22-01-2024 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    dikke 10
  • Anoniem 30-10-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Erg leerzame lessen met voorbeelden uit eigen ervaring van de docent meneer Dirks. Ook de interactieve les met opdrachten en plaatsjes zorgde ervoor dat de lesstof beter te begrijpen was
  • Alexander 30-10-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Afgezien van de tijden i.r.t. reistijden perfect. Inhoudelijk een goede opbouw naar het totaal plaatje op de laatste dag
  • Fatih 30-10-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    Ik ben heel erg tevreden met de ervaring en benadering met de opleider.
  • Domingo 06-11-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    This training was really good and on point. Very applicable to most problems you may encounter in any situation.
  • Anoniem 28-09-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Zeer interessant en informatief
  • Willem 28-9-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Snelheid, goede verhouding theorie en oefening. Groep goed formaat: 6/7 personen in dit geval. Geeft de gelegenheid om zaken goed door te spreken met elkaar en de docent. Informatie over de training op tijd en juist.
  • Michiel 28-09-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede interactie, goede koppeling van theorie en praktijk
  • Babette 03-04-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Zeer betrokken en kundig
  • Sakina 10-08-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    Ik heb in die drie weken enorm veel geleerd hoe je projecten kan aanpakken
  • Anoniem 10-08-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    De lessen waren gedurende de hele training zeer productief. Maar ik moet hier ook op wijzen. Ik heb het toegangswachtwoord voor e-learning kunnen ontvangen op de dag dat de training begon. Dit bracht mij in een lastige positie in de klas.
  • Luc 10-08-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    Fijn, lekker concreet. Klaas is goud!
  • Willem 10-08-2023 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    goede aansluiting leeromgeving en lesdagen. Veel ruimte voor inbreng. Wordt ook om gevraagd.
  • Lily 25-05-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    Kaoutar is a brilliant trainer, very understanding, and skilled in the content. Makes everything understandable and lets us explore our mistakes and understand from them
  • Joanna 23-03-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Sessions were presented in an understandable way. Maybe a little more exercise could be added.
  • Rick 03-04-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede training met een kundige trainer met veel kennis en duidelijk relevante praktijkervaring. Duidelijke en aantrekkelijke E-learning. Goede afwisseling theorie en praktijk tijdens cursusdagen. Bepaalde onderdelen E-learning wel wat droog (Belbin bijvoorbeeld)
  • Anoniem 23-03-2023 - Beoordeling: 4/10
    poor content and average quality of the instructor that didn't match my initial expectations..
  • Maikel 09-02-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    it was a good interactive training. Certain moments were though. small improvement item i would say is a bit more background on the statistical topics and a more down to earth usage of words. Now a lot of the statistical terms got used and it was pretty confusing. Less of those words and a bit more practical explanation would be helpful in my personal opinion
  • Ian 09-02-2023 - Beoordeling: 6/10
    not enough (practical)examples, could have been squeezed in half the duration
  • Emrah 09-02-2023 - Beoordeling: 10/10
    The training content is very clear and simple, Our Trainer Kaoutar has very deep knowledge.
  • Anoniem 19-01-2023 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    De manier waarop de praktijk en theorie overlap hebben werkt goed. De lesmethode van Klaas is stevig doorpakken en productief. Bij de laatste dag dat je de hele DMAIC doorloopt merk je mooi hoe alles samengevoegd naar het doel werkt.
  • Vladislav 19-01-2023 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    De docent nam de groep heel mooi door het materiaal, met nader uitleg, voorbeelden en oefeningen. Ik voeg zelf heel veel waarde toe aan de verkregen ervaring in het uitvoeren van de stappen van LSS en hoe de samenwerking met anderen op verschillende manieren kan uitlopen en hoe sommige samenwerkproblemen op te lossen zijn. Het enige wat ik misschien zou veranderen is de Recap. De inhoud van een hoofdstuk (DMAIC) wordt een keer doorgenomen bij een les. De Recap van dezelfde hoofdstuk bij de volgende les hoeft dan niet op een basis niveau uitgevoerd te worden ( in groepjes met papiertjes). Ik zou het dan bondiger houden: het samen kort doornemen van alle segmenten in de hoofdstuk en dan de focus houden op dingen die eventueel onduidelijk zijn. Daarnaast was de bereikbaarheid, door busstakingen, een beetje stressvol zonder auto. Verder was alles fantastisch.
  • Ruben 19-01-2023 - Beoordeling: 8/10
    Erg goed, e-learning en Klaas waren top.
  • Arjan 01-12-2022 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Geweldige trainer, fijne manier van lesgeven, enorme luxe van een kleine groep, fijne dynamiek tussen de studenten, super! E-learning is eigenlijk het enige verbeterpunt dat ik kan bedenken.
  • Anoniem 17-11-2022 - Beoordeling: 9/10
    Goede opleiding waarbij het praktijk deel in mijn ogen een grote toegevoegde waarde is.
jan 20, 2025
Class days Class days:
  1. Mon Jan 20, 2025
  2. Tue Jan 21, 2025
  3. Thu Feb 06, 2025
  4. Fri Feb 07, 2025
  5. Thu Feb 27, 2025
  6. Fri Feb 28, 2025
€ 4.095
mei 22, 2025
Class days Class days:
  1. Thu May 22, 2025
  2. Fri May 23, 2025
  3. Thu Jun 12, 2025
  4. Fri Jun 13, 2025
  5. Thu Jul 03, 2025
  6. Fri Jul 04, 2025
€ 4.095